Welcome to City Greens, your friendly neighbourhood organic urban farm in Gwalior. We specialise in growing microgreens such as Radish,mustard Amaranth pea shoots, because we know there’s no substitute for fresh produce when it comes to making an extraordinary meal. Our products are freshly harvested and delivered same day to maintain freshness. We pride ourselves on being knowledgeable, friendly, and always willing to go the extra mile to satisfy our customer's needs. If you have any questions or simply want to chat, swing by or give us a message on 8819906363 . You can find "Monthly subscription form" at: https://form.jotform.me/93145045638459
We are proud to Introduce microgreens for the people of Gwalior. just check our reviews!. Additionally, we take every recommendation and suggestion seriously, because we’re always looking for ways to improve our business and our customer experience. So, whatever suggestions you may have, don't hesitate to share them. We always strive to provide you with the best services.